Are you looking for public speaking training in Lyon (France) or its area ? If so, you are in the right place as this article is dedicated to telling you about the various public speaking training opportunities you can find in Lyon and its surroundings.

As you probably know it already – most french people don’t speak english and public speaking trainers and coaches who can train in public speaking around Lyon / Villeurbane are a rarity. Let’s get started !

Public Speaking “Training” in English in Lyon with Toastmaster’s Clubs

If you don’t know Toastmasters – it is an association reknown worlwide for help its members develop their leadership skills through public speaking. There are two english speaking clubs in Lyon that you’ll find easily online on google by typing “Toastmasters Lyon Public Speaking training“.

Toastmasters clubs are not exactly providing public speaking trainings as they provide more of an educational path and you will not find professional public speaking trainer there. The skills are self taught through several means : an online educational program, speaking opportunities and feedback from the other club members. Members of a Toastmasters club in Lyon practice public speaking on a regular basis (usually twice a month) through meeting that organised to give an opportunity to a maximum number of persons to speak. These well designed meetings usually enable about 15 people speak in public for 1 to 7 minutes 30 over the course of two hours.

Of course you’ll understand that is not the same as a complete public speaking training in english. With dedication and engagement – progress is likely with one of the Toastmaster’s club in Lyon BUT of course you might want to make progress with your public speaking a lot faster. On the other side – joining a Toastmaster’s club is quite inexpensive so it is a good option if you are a student or if you have a low budget for your public speaking training in Lyon.

Let’s see what other options are available for public speaking training in Lyon.

The public speaking “Meetup Groups” is a website enabling people to meet offline over topics that range from personal to professional interests. You’ll find all sorts of meetup groups and even some that “offer” public speaking training in Lyon. Usually these groups are in French so they might not be a viable option for you. Furthermore – they are often run by public speaking enthousiasts that do not necessarily have real trainer skills.

They might allow you to speak in public in english but it is likely that the crowd you’ll find does not speak, nor understand english. There is no real point in doing public speaking in english, if people on the other hand don’t understand you.

Public speaking training through applied improvisation in Lyon

The other option we, at Improveo, have to offer is public speaking training through improvisational theater applied to public speaking. After practicing and teaching improv since 2006 in front of individuals as well as in corporate environments – it is clear that a lot of what happens on stage during an improvised theater show can be transferred to public speaking training in a professional environment.

Our approach is based on the principles of improv to help develop spontaneity, confidence, presence as well as body language and para verbal communication (tone, pace and inflexion). We mostly do public speaking trainings in french but these can also be delivered in english as we have very proeficient public speakers trainers in the english language. Our public speaking training follow a very precise methodology helping to develop confidence and letting go at a totally adaptable pace.

We do not have a dedicated page to our public speaking trainings in english in Lyon. If you would like to enquire avoit the possibilities for public speaking training in Lyon with us you have two options :

  1. Go to the website’s public speaking training page (that is in french). You’ll find all the information you need and can of course contact us if you have further questions.
  2. If you are a company looking for public speaking training for you english speaking staff in Lyon you can also contact us directly so we can discuss your needs.